13 December 2011

We’re Sweating in the Winter

“Date With The Night,” The Yeah Yeah Yeahs

There are a lot of songs about dates: dates with that special someone, dates to remember, dates to forget, dates gone good, dates gone bad, dates even ending in death.  Going on a date with “the night” defies all the usual norms; one of the partners is metaphysical.  Now anything can happen.  From the first time Karen O announces, “I got a date with the night!”, the track explodes with possibility.  It’s that feeling one has when getting ready for a wild night out with anticipatory thrill—the night could bring anything, and it is absolute frisson.  “Date With The Night” is on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ 2003 release, Fever To Tell, an album that jumps you from behind and won’t let go.

Lyrics are almost cursory to the combination of O’s voice, Nick Zinner’s guitar, and Brian Chase’s drums.  Spinning an incoherent tale of walking on water, fixing fights, and most enticingly, “dropping brides at the altar,” this chaotic narrative serves as an unbounded allusion to a night that could be.  The cut opens with blares of Zinner’s scratchy axe, with a hook that is as catchy as it is startling.  Chase’s percussion keeps “the date” on a tear through the night, landing only briefly before flying through each chorus.  O’s gale-force howl is matched by Zinner’s equally shrieky shredding.  The perfect storm that ensues is as overwhelming as it is seductive.

Everything is on edge, electric—almost unbearable.  The track tests the limits of shrillness, but never pushes it so far as to be reckless and unlistenable.  It is no small feat that even when O screams, she sings.  Backed by wailing sirens from Zinner’s guitar, O is the party police, screeching orders that will be obeyed.  Much of the time it’s difficult to decipher her aggressive commands, but Officer O won’t let up, her voice a piercing siren itself. You know it’s a good party when the cops get there before you.

Question: In “Date With The Night,” not just anything happens, everything happens.  What songs fill you with the anticipation of nothing but possibility?


  1. I love your all-encompassing analysis. I feel that I know the song before I listen to it. As you say, O is charged with energy and direction. The balance between vocals/instruments is perfect - neither is overpowering. Thanks for the insightful, intellectual review!!

  2. You're so right, Angela! "Night" opportunities are endless from optimistic to pessimistic experiences. The instrumental and vocal interpretations express this as you infer. This song provides upbeat engagement throughout! I love your choice this week!!

  3. I've always had the impression that "Date With the Night" must have been influenced by Blur's "Song 2." Both are chaotic, unfettered, and raw with energy. The YYYs create the perfect personification of what and whom the night will bring. The possibilities are endless.

  4. The energy in this recording makes me sooooooo tired; all I want to do is nap with my girlfriend. If I were younger, I might have the energy blasted here.
